Kara's Story
Who We Are
We are here not for income, but for outcome
Facing a life-threatening disease can be a devastating experience for anybody. It’s especially difficult for children and the families who care so deeply for them; the emotional and physical toll can easily overwhelm their ability to cope.
To ease the stress and chaos associated with this unimaginable situation, The Kara Fund provides seriously ill children and their families with goods and services in the hope that these items offer some measure of comfort in their time of distress.
Read our latest: Sharing Smiles Newsletter (pdf)
Board of Directors

The Kara Fund directors and associate directors attending the recent “Open Your Hearts to Children” dinner/dance were, FRONT (l. to r.): Lou Anne Campese, Cindy Nagle, Ann MacDougall, Kathy MacDougall, Redenne Virgil, Diane Maloney, Gina Campese, Teri Greiner, Lauren Greiner, Jami Mock; BACK (l. to r.): Mark MacDougall, Debbie Abreu, Allyson Rossi, Dan MacDougall, Mike Albanese, Joe Gigliotti, Bob Campese, Doug Virgil, Lisa Rossi, Matthew MacDougall, Paul Nagle
Learn More
When you donate to the Kara Fund, you’re helping a family with some of the often-difficult hurdles they encounter every day, like ensuring that their child has a warm blanket to stay comfortable while fighting the chills that often accompany a weakened condition. Or supplying computers and software to keep a child’s mind off the challenges they face, if only for a few peaceful moments. You might even be buying parents much-needed coffee or snacks as they struggle to stay awake and strong by their child’s side.We hope you’ll take a few minutes to explore our site, read Kara’s Story, and help us continue our mission: providing comfort to seriously ill children and their families.
We are a U.S. 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. For more information, read our determination letter from the IRS (pdf).
Expanded List of BOD Members
- Ali Greiner, Associate Director
- Lauren Greiner, Associate Director
- Bob Campese, Director / Golf Event Chair
- Gina Casaletta – Director, Director of Marketing
- Joe Gigliotti, Director
- Pennie Gorney, Director
- Terri Greiner, Director – Event Chair
- Nicole Hurley, Director, Vice President
- Ann MacDougall, Associate Director
- Dan MacDougall, Associate Director
- Kathy MacDougall, Secretary / Family Care Chair
- Karen MacDougall – Director, Home Care Chair
- Mark MacDougall, Director – President
- Matthew MacDougall – Director
- Diane Maloney, Director
- Leah Sweeney, Associate Director
- Cindy Nagle – Associate Director
- Paul Nagle, Director, Comfort Care Chair
- Allyson Rossi – Director
- Lisa Rossi – Director
- Nicole Cedillo – Director / Treasurer
- Brenda Almonte – Associate Director
- Rachel DeNoble – Associate Director
- Amy Caldera – Associate Director
- Annette Krisak – Associate Director
Our Mission

To lessen the financial and emotional burden of children and their families as they cope with a life-threatening illness.

To make The Kara Fund a wide-reaching community effort, involving young adults locally and in other parts of the US.